
Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, 2012

Raum für Kunst, Aachen, 2011

Acrylic on MDF, 180 x 180 cm, 2011

"Blind Vision", group exhibition in a projectspace at Wilhelminenhofstrasse, Berlin 2022

studio view

"(...) But on closer examination, one will quickly realise that the subtly polished and scraped surfaces of Pedro Boese ́s paintings deal less with a distance from but rather a strong affinity to painting and the struggle to inscribe new dimensions into the two-dimensional surface. In this respect the physical exertion which is connected with the operation on the plates can be interpreted as the psychologically motivated attempt to withdraw from the grip of history. After all, it did not only generate the laws of painting but also the principle of the avantgardes, that is the notion that the human beings are able to re-invent themselves time and again and that artists are even obliged to do so. People used to hope desperately for a change of our organs of perception to transform the suffering from constant change, from the ambivalences of modernity, into pleasure. But this was not to be. As a presentday artist, one cannot help but accept the challenge of suspecting that everything could always be totally different. That is what Pedro Boese is doing in his new works, with their deeprooted contradictions of order and chaos."

"The Trouble With Painting - Über die Schwierigkeiten beim Malen" an essay by Susanne Prinz published in the catalogue "monomodul", Raum für Kunst, Aachen 2011.
Translation by Sabine Kranz.