Área de Diálogo

Banco das Artes Galeria, Leiria, Portugal

Opening: 20. 07. 2019

Duration: 20. 07.  -  15. 09.20019

Participating artists: André Tecedeiro, Martim Brion, Pedro Boese, Tom Saunders

Introduction: Ana David Mendes

(…) Pedro Boese’s work appears to originate from the concern with process, sequence and repetition that characterised late modernist abstraction as it developed into minimalism. There is an awareness of the potential of painting-as-object: one such piece, Amy, is a modular painting, which can be installed, in various spatial compositions. This points towards the sense of openness that is an integral part of most modernist abstraction. One talks more about ‘a Mondrian’ rather than any particular Mondrian: the style is what comes to mind, with each individual work being a somewhat differentiated version of the central concept. A modular painting is a logical development of this tendency, because although it is one work, it can have many forms. This suggests the idea that an artwork no longer needs to be a fixed, final object, but something that is in a constant process of revision and adjustment.. (…)

Text: Tom Saunders - abstract from the catalogue Área de diálogo

Curator: Martim Brion