in a row I + II

Galeria Belo-Galsterer, Lissabon

Opening: 06.02.2020

Duration: 07.02. - 28.03. 2020

(…) Besides these considerations, blue – or the blue tones used by Pedro Boese in the new series in a row I and in a row II – are the starting point for a color game of complementary contrasts created by the artist in his aquatint etchings. The two base colors, different in each series, appear in geometrical forms and unfold in new tones through superposition inside the square; constantly falling out of line and repeating, assuming an imperfect symmetry that builds up a new space of con- templation by the reiteration of the same geometric form, interrupted by spontaneous cut ups, interferences and spaces left open...

The line drawn on the wall by the works installed creates a bigger image that lives from the presence and absence of patterns, now existent here, now absent there. The complementary color game – recurrent and a constant element in Boese’s work, dislocated lines, repetition of patterns, or their absence, produce the displacement of a unique viewpoint. Central aspects of this project become thus the relation of the etching’s visual space and the space where it is presented, as well as the relation between the complementary color tones in each work per se and as a whole, creating a dialogue of subtle and tender beauty, form with color, color with line.

Extrakt of the essay Symmetric Blue by Alda Galsterer Lisbon, January 2020

Fotos: Eduardo Sousa Ribeiro