Malerei und Fassade

Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin

Opening: 25.06.2015, 7 pm

Duration: 26.06.2015 - 21.08.2015

Duo exhibition: Silke Riechert, Pedro Boese

Following the move to Markgrafenstraße, the ‘Painting and Façade’ exhibition in the German Artists' Association's project space is resuming the tradition of the “shop window exhibition” during the summer break. At the new location, the project space also has generous window areas that are available for artistic staging. Berlin-based artists Silke Riechert and Pedro Boese will work together during the summer months of 2015 to explore possible and impossible spatial depths at the glass boundary between inside and outside.

A carefully plastered and whitewashed wall is a temptation for anyone who counts a paintbrush or spray can among their everyday tools. Even the first spot of colour applied to the empty surface creates a different visual plane and this continues until the painterly space has unfolded the two-dimensional painting ground into a multitude of intersecting layers between imagination and illusion. A façade, on the other hand, separates what is in front from what is behind and combines permeability and impenetrability in a transparent order based on sequence and repetition. Since buildings have been produced industrially, their building blocks are standardised modules that are stacked on top of each other within the framework of limited variation possibilities.

Silke Riechert's interest in the ornamental, which she discovers in the façade designs of modernism as well as in textile patterns, and Pedro Boese's delight in modular systems, which he creates in his paintings only to call them into question again with the next brushstroke, meet precisely where the façade becomes painterly: in the glass panes of her windows. This is where reflections, insights and mirror images overlap; this is where the impermeable appears transparent and the rigid is moved. Riechert's colourful, transparent window friezes and Boese's paintings on object-like image carriers now play out their series of patterns between abstraction and concrete form, repetition and contradiction, order and dissolution along the glass window walls of the project space until the end of August.

Newspaper article Tagesspiegel

Fotos: Thomas Bruns