
Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen

Opening: 15.06.2012, 7 pm

Duration: 16.06. – 30.09.2012

Participating artists: Josef Albers, John Armleder, John Baldessari, Pedro Boese, Pavel Buchler, Christoph Dahlhausen, Poul Gernes, Damien Hirst, Wassily Kandinsky, Alexander Kanoldt, Shila Khatami, Bharti Kher, Paul Klee, Yayoi Kusama, Roy Lichtenstein, Francois Morellet, Noa Lidor, Roman Opalka, Sigmar Polke, Renaud Regnery, Gerald Rockenschaub, Christian Rohlfs, Karl-Peter Röhl, Miguel Rothschild, Thomas Ruff, Adrian Sauer, Antoine Schmitt, Paul Signac, Gert and Uwe Tobias, Timm Ulrichs, Claudia Wieser et al.

(...) Pedro Boese's paintings, which are based on geometric grids of dots, are similarly rigorous. For Boese, as for many other artists, the decision to use grids is based on the desire to eradicate his own subjective signature or the individually recognisable decision for a particular motif from his artworks. However, Boese does not leave it at the cool grid patterns, but takes these as the starting point for further processing of the painting ground, for example in the painting ‘lateral’, in which the first three vertical rows on the left have been partially scraped away, or, more radically, in ‘resíduo’, in which a large part of the turquoise and light red grid has been sanded away with a belt sander and only a comparatively small, frayed field remains. The rest of the picture surface is pure, albeit scratched, hardboard. (...)

Text: Dr. Barbara J. Scheuermann - Abstract from the essay Was ein Punkt alles kann

Curators: Dr. Barbara Scheuermann and Reinhard Spieler

Catalogue: Punkt.Systeme - vom Pointillismus zum Pixel

Exhibition concept