Raum für Gäste, Aachen
Opening: 05.05. 2023, 7 pm
Duration: 06.05. - 11.06.2023
Participating artists: Pedro Boese, Martim Brion, Guido Winkler
Introduction: Rick Vercauteren, formaly Director of the Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo, the Netherlands
The exhibition Über das was es ist (in English: about what it is) brings three positions from the field of concrete art into interaction. The artists work in different media, Pedro Boese with classical printing techniques, above all etching, Martim Brion across various media such as photography, installation and text works, Guido Winkler with murals, painting and digital printing.
The three artists belong to the same generation and, despite their very different biographies and cultural backgrounds, have one thing in common: they all work in the field of reduced, concrete art and are already well-known in this field.
The exhibition brings together three different approaches in order to explore their similarities and differences within the reduced formal language.
The works will be site specific, which means specially adapted to the two available spaces. Guido Winkler will create two large-format wall works for this exhibition in relation to the architecture of the space.
Text: Vera Hilger
Press article Aachener Zeitung
Fotos: Jo Magrean, Guido Winkler, Pedro Boese