Galerie Weisser Elefant, Berlin
Opening: 11.02.2006
Duration: 12.01. -18.03.2006
Duo show with Pedro Boese, Elisabeth Sonneck
Our project keine Gewissheit für die augen questions the identity and changeability of colour. Initially, each particular colour is able to evoke a specific sound and emotional field. However, as this is modified by surrounding colourful events, dissolved and inserted into new contexts, interactions arise, the exploration and staging of which is the focus of our painting.
The colour is created in the deposition of multiple, transparent to opaque layers and acquires a processual character through their optical mixture, but also through removal and renewed layering. It is a material product of various painterly actions and at the same time the initiator of interlocking processes and decisions.
At first glance, the composition of our works offers the obvious formal contrast between circles and rectangles. However, the contrasting formal concepts increasingly prove to be a method, a means to an end. They draw attention to the visible emergence of the individual colour tones, to their diverse relationships and spatial tensions with one another. In this way, the potential of colour is given a stage, both in the individual picture and in the open space between two independent painterly positions.
The dialogue of painting on canvas is complemented by two murals.
Text: Elisabeth Sonneck, Pedro Boese
Concept: Pedro Boese, Elisabeth Sonneck
Fotos: Jörg Burggraf